Friday, September 20, 2019

What is IP Rating?

IP Ratings

IP rating= Ingress Protection Rating

IP Ratings defined in international standard EN60529.

It is used for the level of sealing in electrical panels(enclosures).

IP Rating consists of two digits.each have a different-different protection level.

The first digit of IP rating 

-it is for the protection against solid particles.
-It is between 0 to 6 levels.
-higher-level =higher protection

Level 0= no protection against solid particles.
Level 1= protection against hand and solid objects(>50mm diameter).
Level 2= Protection against 12 mm solid objects.
Level 3= protection against 2.5 mm solid objects.
Level 4= protection against 1 mm solid objects.
Level 5= protection against dust particles.
Level 6= complete protection against dust particles.

The second digit of IP rating 

-it is for protection against liquids.
-it is between 0 to 8 level.

Level 0= No protection against liquid materials.
Level 1= Protection against slowly dripping water.
Level 2= Protection against water drops up to 15 degrees from vertical.
Level 3= Protection against spray up to 60 degrees from vertical of your panel or device.
Level 4= Protection against water spray in all direction of your device.
Level 5= Protection against low pressurize water jets of any direction.
Level 6= Protection against high pressurizes water jets of any direction.
Level 7= Protection against temporary dip into the water of your device.
Level 8= Complete protection against water.

Thank you

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