Monday, October 8, 2018

Selection criteria of Electrical Drives

What is Electrical Drives?

⇢A system which is used for motion control of electrical machines such type of system is called Electrical Drives.

⇢Variable Frequency Drive(VFD) is a type of motor controller that drives and the electric motor by varying a frequency & voltage supplies to the electric motor.

fig. Drive circuit diagram
Selection Criteria

1⇢Steady state operating conditions requirement

2⇢Transient operation Requirement

3⇢Requirement related to source

4⇢Capital & running cost maintenance

5⇢Life time

6⇢Space & weight

7⇢Environment & Location


9⇢Auto manual operation

10⇢Cascade control

11⇢Overload capacity

12⇢Real-time clock

Thank you