Thursday, September 27, 2018

Selection criteria of PLC


(Selection of PLC)

1. Types of PLC(modular or non-modular )

2. Types of I/Os required (discrete/analog/integrated/special)

3. No. of I/Os (Based on application)

4. No. of a communication port

5. Sinking & Sourcing concepts

6. Memory size

7. Bit resolution of PLC for analog
    (32 bits -in an industrial area)
    (64 bits -in medical area for precision)

8. Types of Protocols
    (ex- RS-232C, RS-485, RS-422, Ethernet, Prifinet, Profibus,Modbus, Devicenet etc.)

9. Baud rate of PLC
    (if ▼  a response is slow)
    (if a response is high)

10. User-friendly

11. Compact in size

12. Cost-effective
13. Scan time

14. Physical environment

15. Manufacturer's support & backup

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